Friday, January 2, 2009

Wind Energy Field, Small Wind Category

Debra Poneman, Emcee

Next up is Mr. David Calley, president and founder of Southwest Windpower.

Based in Flagstaff, AZ Southwest Windpower has been manufacturing residential-scale wind turbines since 1986. To date, the company has produced more than 100,000 units from 400 to 3000 watts.

Applications include grid connected and off-grid homes, water pumping, telecommunications, and a variety of other uses. Southwest Windpower recently released Skystream 3.7®, a revolutionary new 1.9 Kw utility-tie turbine that focuses on low-cost energy, efficiency and aesthetics making it easier to install in residential neighborhoods and businesses.

Founder and President, David Calley, built his first wind turbine at the age of 12 and started Southwest Windpower while he was still in high school. Since then he has continued to develop and manufacture innovative wind turbines including the world’s best selling model “AIR,” which to date has sold more than 100,000 units.

Mr. Calley lives in a home he designed that is heated, cooled and electrically powered all by wind and solar energy. He also designs and builds electric and pedal electric vehicles, and solar and wind water pumping systems. He commutes about 2 hours per day by bike and has one child, Isaac, who is 7 years old (and is here with him tonight).

For 20 years, Southwest Windpower has been bringing low-cost, reliable wind energy to the world. As the world's largest producer of small wind generators, they’ve pioneered new technologies to make renewable energy simple.

It is my great pleasure to induct into the Envirnonmental Hall of Fame, Mr. David Calley and Southwest Windpower.

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